Reasonable Demands

Page 174

Reasonable Demands
Cartoon Brian

Reasonable Demands

Original Release Date: September 7, 2010

A few pages ago, when the energy collector was introduced, you may have noticed an elevated walkway farther away in the background. I'm glad I had the forethought to include it on that page, because it plays a crucial part in the story. Here, the two ninja use it to make their grand, saves-the-day entrance. Later, it becomes important again for different reasons that I won't spoil. Normally, that is something I wouldn't have thought to draw before it became important, but continuity was getting more and more important to me.

The last panel of this page urks me. I should have taken the time to make sure that Mike's face was not partialy obscured by Evil Bad Guy Ninja's arm. Mike is delivering a line here--he needs to be seen more clearly than this. I'm sure I was in a hurry and just didn't bother, but it's one of those things that really bothers me when I go back and look at it now.